250gr of lasagne,100gr of smoked salmon, 100gr of butter, onion,1 /2 litre of milk, 1/2 litre of béchamel, parmesan. If you don’t use ready made béchamel make it as follws: melt 50gr of butter in asmall saucepan, add milk and 50gr of flour cook it always stirring.
Chop the onion, the salmon, cook for 10min. ,add the béchamel with a part of the milk, cook for other 10 min. Put some spoons of the salmon sauce in an oven dish, add a layer of lasagne, add sauce again and grated parmesan. Make 4 layers like this. Cook in oven at 200° for 20/30min.
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes